
“$martPay” and watch your past due support disappear faster!"

The laws were changed effective January 2009 so that all payments on past due child support are applied first to principal, not interest. In the past, payments were applied first to interest, similar to car or house payments. This has changed!

What does this mean to you?

Every payment on past due support lowers the balance on which your interest is accruing. So, if in the past you owed $3000 and paid $50 per month, the past due support would be paid off in 84 months. Now, if you pay $50 per month, the $3000 will be paid off in 76 months. If you pay $75 per month, the $3000 will be paid off in 47 months!

Take a look and see how every “extra” dollar you pay now helps you pay off the past due amount faster!

This calculation represents an estimate for paying off past due child support in California. It should not be used for any other purpose. This is only an ESTIMATE! 


Want to make a payment?
Call us at
(866) 901-3212
Or Visit
Arrears Estimator


Do you want to calculate how long it will take to pay off your past due support? Check out our Arrears Estimator program. It only takes a minute! You will need your Principal Arrears and Interest Arrears Balances to use the Estimator program. Arrears Estimator